So you’re interested in undergraduate research opportunities?
Many opportunities may be available at your home institution – definitely check out professors’ websites to see if anything piques your interest! if so, reach out!
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs sponsored by the National Science Foundation. These NSF-sponsored programs typically run for 8-10 weeks are for U.S. citizens at universities, all over the US, in nearly every scientific discipline.
Summer research opportunities at universities and/or with research scientists are often posted on discipline specific listservs – you can either subscribe or go to the website & browse listings.
Many federal laboratories and private-sector companies offer summer research opportunities as well.

The WHY & HOW behind applying to undergraduate research opportunities:
Dr. Melissa Burt, director of an REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program at Colorado State University and a PROGRESS team member, led a webinar how to apply for REU programs. In this webinar we discussed the types of research opportunities available to students, what to expect during a summer research experience, and how to put together a strong and convincing application package. We shared information about a range of different programs across the country and had time to answer any questions.
Need help on your resume? Dr. Manda Adams (National Science Foundation) provides information about how to build your resume to best sell yourself & tailor it for each opportunity.
Additional Advice
- Some very candid advice from an anonymous research scientist in he life sciences
An article written by a professor after reading too many poor applications
AAAS offers this excellent guide written by Peter J. Fiske on writing and organizing your resumé—a great resource for any job application
REU participant slots can be highly desirable and sometimes extremely competitive; each hosting organization or school has only a limited number of available positions. These applications should be taken seriously. Jonathan Hodge at Grand Valley State University in Michigan has created a list of excellent tips for attaining an REU:
- The application form will ask for specific information from you. Make sure to provide exactly what is requested. If you have questions about any part of the application, contact the program director and ask for clarification.
- Don’t just say that you’re interested in doing an REU. Tell the reader exactly why you are interested in the specific REU to which you are applying. Do your research before you complete your application. Browse the program’s web site, and use this knowledge to highlight specific aspects of the program that are particularly appealing to you. Don’t use the same application essay for every program you apply to. Show the reader that you spent some time researching and applying specifically to their REU.
- An application with spelling or grammatical errors leaves a bad first impression. Read your application carefully before you submit it, and ask someone else to give you some feedback as well. You want to submit an application that is well-written, polished, and professional.
- What your references write about you can make a big difference in distinguishing your application from others. Choose references who know you well and who will take the time to write a thorough and detailed letter of recommendation. It’s okay to ask a reference, “Do you think that you will be able to write a strong and detailed letter for me?” Make sure your references understand what is expected of them. Some REUs provide detailed instructions for references; if such instructions are available, make sure that your references have a copy of them. Also give your references a copy of your application essay and any other information that would help them to write a strong letter for you.
- Summer programs such as REUs are highly competitive. It is not unusual for a program with 8-10 participants to receive 100-200 applications. If you have unique experiences that set you apart from other applicants, make sure to mention these. What you write needs to convince the reader that you have unique traits and abilities that will contribute to your success in an REU. Of course, your academic preparation is important, but it is also important to demonstrate that you have the social and emotional maturity to function well in an intense research environment, working with people from all different backgrounds. Extracurricular and co-curricular activities often speak well to these characteristics.
- Don’t oversell yourself. Provide an honest account of your background and experiences, but don’t be boastful or arrogant. Don’t name-drop or use obscure mathematical terms to try to impress the readers.
- It’s important to remember that REUs are extremely competitive, and even the very best students do not get accepted by every program to which they apply. Do some research, and choose a variety of programs (perhaps 3-10) that suit your interests and abilities.
REU and Summer Research Opportunities
Below is a listing of typical REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) and summer programs that are regularly offered, but the actual offerings vary from year to year depending on NSF funding (COVID-19, etc.). Be sure to read each listing carefully for eligibility, application guidelines, & deadlines. Please note that the lists are not complete, but they can provide you a good place to start, you should also check out the National Science Foundation (NSF) REU website regularly for updates.
Many National Labs have undergraduate research programs. You can work during the summer or for a semester. Some examples:
- STEMUndergrads.science.gov
- Argonne National Lab
- Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI)
- Department of Energy Scholarships and Internships
- Geological Society of America
- Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS)
- Los Alamos National Lab
- Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration and NASA Internships
- National Center for Atmospheric Research
- National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- National Park Service GeoScientists-in-the-Park program
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- National Renewable Energy Lab
- National Science Foundation (NSF) REU
- National Weather Center REU
- Oak Ridge Science Semester
- ORISE: Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
- Pacific Northwest National Lab
- Research Experiences in Solid Earth Sciences for Students (RESESS) by UNAVCO
- Scripps Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
- Sandia National Lab
- Sierra Club Internship Opportunities
- State Water Resources Research Institute Program
- US Geological Survey
This is really just the beginning! Find more opportunities with federal agencies at both Science.gov and USA Jobs
To separate full-time positions from temporary research opportunities, be sure to search for student internships.
Undergraduate research opportunities are often listed by universities and sometimes include links to opportunities beyond the university. Here are a few examples:
- Caltech’s Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
- Colorado State University, REU Site in Climate Science
- Colorado State University CHILL Radar Facility
- Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Summer internships in Earth and Ocean Sciences
- Duke Marine Sciences REU
- Hobart and William Smith Colleges
- North Carolina State University
- Northwestern University
- Penn State REU in Climate Science
- Rice University, Earth Sciences
- Stanford University
- Texas A&M Atmospheric Science in the Gulf Coast Region
- University of Colorado Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)
- University of Michigan
- University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- University of North Carolina – Charlotte
- University of Oklahoma/National Weather Center REU
- University of South Carolina – Space Grant
- Williams College

You can also search by discipline:
- NSF REU page list for the Astronomical Sciences
- NSF REU page list for the Atmospheric Sciences
- Hollings undergraduate scholarship program for NOAA labs
- University of Oklahoma/National Weather Center REU in meteorology
- SOARS at the National Center for Atmospheric Research
- National Center for Atmospheric Research, Computational and Information Systems Laboratory
- National Center for Atmospheric Research, Software engineering for data science (Unidata Program)
- Texas A&M Atmospheric Science in the Gulf Coast Region
- Penn State REU in Climate Science
- NSF REU page, search for ‘geophysics’
- Applied Research in Earth Sciences
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- Keck Geology consortium summer projects
- STEM Diversity Programs
- Research Experiences in Solid Earth Sciences for Students (RESESS) by UNAVCO
- National Science Foundation Human Resource Development
- Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP):
- University of Michigan
University of South Carolina has a great searchable database for opportunities all over the U.S. and abroad.